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TechNeer Web Sites

TechNeerNet TechNeer.Biz

TechNeer's Advertizing

          TechNeer's web sites accept advertizing as long as it is appropriate to the themes of their web sites.  TechNeer.Net's theme is the support of developing communication skills, and the fictional and nonfictional increase of technology.  The TechNeer.Net web site accepts advertisements as long as they are in harmony to TechNeer.Net's theme and standards.
          The TechNeer standards are that we cannot accept erotic, bigoted, obscene, or excessively violent material.  TechNeer reserves the right to refuse service for any material that they consider to be inappropriate for the TechNeer websites and their character.

          The TechNeer group of websites allows blanket advertizing across some or all sites, except TechNeer.Org.   The TechNeer.Org web site allows only the listing (and Logos) of supporting companies and agencies to be displayed on its pages, with links to their web sites.   Fly-Outs, Post-Its, or Pop-Ups are not allowed.

          The TechNeer.Org website allows only “Buttons” and “Boxes,” without “Fly-Outs,” of the following sizes and ranges:

Monthly Rates per Ad per Page
Ad Type        Pixel Area              Dimen.(pixels)         Page Loc.         Cost
Button1         4500  -   9000        150 x 30 to   60         Right Side          $  9.95  to  $22.46
Button2         6600  - 11550        165 x 40 to   70         Left Side            $14.93  to  $30.24

Box1             10500 - 22500        150 x 70 to 150         Right Side          $23.88  to  $74.48
Box2             13200 - 26400        165 x 80 to 160         Left Side            $31.04  to  $90.88

          We also give discount for three months, six months, and one year orders (not indicated in the chart).  Also, there are discount rates on multiple web sites. The fore going chart should give a general idea of the cost of advertising.  For specifics, email us with the details of your advertisement.
          The following advertisement chart gives the general range, for a month at a time, for the rest of the TechNeer websites.  Again, there are discount rates for multiple websites, and time increments of three months, six months, and one year (not indicated in the chart).

Monthly Rates per Ad per Page
Ad Type     Pixel Area              Dimen.(pixels)       Page Loc.       Cost
Button1      4,500  -     9,000    150  x   30 to   60    Right Side        $    9.95  to  $     22.46
Button2      6,600  -   11,550    165  x   40 to   70    Left Side          $  14.93  to  $     30.24

Box1          10,500 -   22,500    150  x   70 to 150    Right Side        $  23.88  to  $     74.48
Bx/FlyOt1   60,500 -   73,000                                                            Box and Fly-Out
Fly-Out1     50,000 ..... Fixed     250  x 200  Fixed    L of R Side        $137.55  to  $   238.11
Box2          13,200 -   26,400    165  x   80 to 160    Left Side          $  31.04  to  $     90.88
Bx/FlyOt2   88,200 - 101,400                                                            Box and Fly-Out
Fly-Out2     75,000 ..... Fixed     300  x 250  Fixed    R of L Side        $207.37  to  $   369.64

Tower1      24,000 -  45,000     150  x 160 to 300    Right Side        $238.80  to  $1,427.43
Tower2      28,050 -  49,500     165  x 170 to 300    Left Side          $310.44  to  $1,667.26

Banner1     19,250 -  30,800     385  x   50 to   80   Top Center       $262.68  to  $   486.71
Banner2     26,250 -  42,000     525  x   50 to   80   Top Center       $357.24  to  $   661.92
Banner3     49,350 -  70,500     705  x   70 to 100   Top Center       $671.62  to  $1,096.84

          The fore going chart should give a general idea of the cost of TechNeer advertising.  For specifics, email us with the details of your advertisement.  After the decision to purchase, it will be necessary to send us the complete source code and graphics for the advertisement, as well as the desired location(s).  All contracts must be prepaid at the time of insertion.  Closing dates are on the 15th of each month, prior to the months of advertisement.  A check or money order must be received by mail prior to the 15th.

          Email us for advertising details.