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   The Art of Pioneering New Technology  
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TechNeer Web Sites



TechNeer Services

   Web Sites of Interest

  WCSD Mentoring Program



          An education is a very important part of the advancement of technology.  The more education that an individual has, the better their success.  This page is intended to provide help for both the teacher and the student.  After all, why reinvent the wheel, if the how-to knowledge already exists?  In other words, don’t just “Be Prepared,” be well informed also.

          Obviously, there are two main aspects to an education, the teacher and the student.  If you are a teacher, follow the educators’ link.  If you are seeking an education, follow the educatees’ link.  If you want to help young students learn computer literacy (Teaching degree not needed), and you live in the Utah Washington County School District (WCSD), then follow the mentors' link.  There are many young students who need help with their problems of life.